Master the Art of Texting to Attract and Date Beautiful Women

"Give me 6 days & you'll walk away with a

COMPLETE Texting Method that creates Attraction with just your finger tips"

There are 12 Essential Skills Every Man Needs if

You Actually Expect to Beat Out the Competition and Get the Girl You Desire.

Join before March 7th, 2025 and receive 6 premium dating BONUS products included FREE ($1,344 value)

Master your messaging with women!


4.89/5 star reviews

Thousands of men improving their texting worldwide

ready to turn phone numbers into dates?

3 Easy Steps to Get Started

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Simply click the 'Get Instant Access' button and checkout securely

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Log into your Texting School video course to access PREMIUM videos, downloads, and ebooks on messaging mastery

Get the Girl

Live a more confident dating life and start meeting, attracting, and dating beautiful women everywhere you go


Does this sound like you?

Before Texting School

  • Struggling to get replies from women you text.

  • Not knowing what to say to keep her interested.

  • Feeling anxious about asking her out.

  • Messages often misinterpreted or ignored.

  • Unable to build attraction over messaging.

After Texting School

  • Confidently start conversations that get replies.

  • Keep her engaged and excited to hear from you.

  • Know exactly how and when to ask her out.

  • Craft messages that build attraction and interest.

  • Avoid common pitfalls that push women away.

"This is my secret weapon!"

"I don't consider myself, you know, an overly attractive guy or anything. I'm not a 9 or 10 where I can just, you know, go out there and women are throwing themselves at me so I have to work for everything I get.
But boy this program is my secret weapon! I love how thorough and in-depth you went to show me how I can use texting to build interest to the point where this one chick I like seems to be waiting by the phone to hear from me! Thanks again."
- Jason Wright

"I No Longer Sweat the Texting Part"

"I was spending hours having to sit and overthink whether or not what i'm going to send is going to create the opposite effect of what i'm trying to achieve here. After going through Texting School I no longer sweat the texting part because it's not even that big of a deal now that I understand the right plan of attack. It feels good now that I can spend my time being focused on interacting with her in person instead of the whole texting part"
- Brian Williams


Ideal for men eager to enhance their communication skills and improve their dating life.




MEN WHO WANT TO UNDERSTAND female psychology





"I have a new leveled-up perspective"

"Before your program I always struggled with women that I felt were out of my league. But after going through your lessons on confident texting and the abundance mindset I have a new leveled-up perspective and a game plan I never had in the past"
- Trevor Schafer

"Excellent program i'd recommend to any man!"

"Texting School breaks down not only what it takes to create a compelling conversation, It gives you the psychology behind it so you really can understand how to use and apply these new techniques in all different areas. Excellent program I recommend to any single man out there today!"
- Bert Grisham

SEE what's waiting for you inside once you become a student…

Detailed video and audio trainings
+ eBooks and PDF templates for the
12 essential texting skills to get any woman HOOKED!


The Fundamentals of Texting:

No More Coming Off as 'Predictable' and 'Needy'

Every great video game has increasingly more difficult and complex 'levels' to challenge you to become better...

Inside Texting School, you will start out at 'Level 1' where you will learn The Fundamentals of Texting Women and make sure you understand the BIG PICTURE of how you want to approach the 'game' of texting.

As you move through these 12 LEVELS in Texting School...

You’ll get step-by-step training walking you through exactly how to MASTER each specific skill

(without having to mess up and get rejected by hundreds of women through trial and error).

Imagine how much easier and fun it will be to meet and text beautiful women

when you can simply follow this system I lay out for you in the program.

You will understand not only WHAT to say but WHY you are saying it so you can feel confident with each and every text you send

(and enjoy watching her attraction slowly build day-by-day as you implement this)

" Change IS possible and it CAN get better."

"I was a man struggling. I went from sending a text and having to wait for hours or literally days to get an answer or response! I'll admit I started to lose motivation and even became complacent with myself and where I was at. When I gave this a try I thought 'what the heck - it can't get any worse' I immediately implemented (imperfectly) what you taught me with a new girl from work, and it was DIFFERENT (in a good way). She is putting in the effort and sending me multiple texts and now I am just 'playing it cool'. It feels good to have this kind of power. I just want to say THANK YOU ADAM for showing me that change IS possible and it CAN get better. And that I have influence over the responses and experiences with women. Consider me a lifetime fan and happy customer!"
- Tom Nguyen

"Worth every penny and minute!"

"Man this course truly delivers on everything promised and MORE - It is an essential investment for every man today and teaches you the practice of patience and intelligent messaging to completely FLIP the game in your favor!"
- Ezra Abbott


Access to my 12-LEVEL Messaging System PLUS exclusive downloads, text templates and MORE:


Learn the basic overall goal when messaging women

You never want to be seen as 'boring' or 'predictable'

L2 - Repair Your Texting

Learn the 15 most common texting mistakes men make with women

By avoiding these pitfalls everything else will get easier with your messaging


Learn the crucial mindset you should have when texting women

This will translate into pure confidence in your messages


Learn how to mirror her time/energy/effort

This gives you an EXACT strategy of how to message each unique woman


Learn to spot and notice patterns and 'trends' in your conversations

And learn how to USE this knowledge to your advantage


Learn what type of texts put women on 'autopilot' or 'zombie mode'

And instead learn to send texts that engage a woman's emotions


Learn how to spot 'opportunities' to take advantage of in your conversations

These are key moments to take the lead and raise your 'status' in her eyes

L8 - Building Mystery

Learn to build mystery into your dates with strategic texting

This is crucial for a woman to want to show up and not flake out or bail on your date


Learn how to read a woman's interest level through texting

So you ask her on a date at the RIGHT time, not too soon or too late

L10 - Your Busy Image

Learn how to position yourself as a
'high status' and busy man

So a woman will respect your time and will respond to your messages quickly


Learn how to lead a conversation into setting up a great date

Women are turned on by decision men, and you'll learn how to show that


Learn how to come off as a confident man that other women want

Having this mindset makes women truly desire trying to 'win you over'

You are getting a step-by-step system for building attraction with women with every text you send...

And the best part is you get to SEE this system IN ACTION with 20+ REAL text conversation breakdowns showing you exactly how you can re-create the success in your own conversations

"All your text examples are so helpful to get on track"

"Part of my problem with texting had always been trying to hold their attention in the conversations long enough to get a woman to meet up with me. Adam literally walks you through the EXACT words, timing, tone, mentality, and flow that your conversations should look like!

All of the different text message examples you show throughout the program make it

so much easier because it gives me a guidepost of what to shoot for and saves me
so much time trying to figure this all out on my own."

- Trevor Siefken


Access to my 12-LEVEL Messaging System PLUS exclusive downloads, text templates and MORE:


Learn the basic overall goal when messaging women

You never want to be seen as 'boring' or 'predictable'

L2 - Repair Your Texting

Learn the 15 most common texting mistakes men make with women

By avoiding these pitfalls everything else will get easier with your messaging


Learn the crucial mindset you should have when texting women

This will translate into pure confidence in your messages


Learn how to mirror her time/energy/effort

This gives you an EXACT strategy of how to message each unique woman


Learn to spot and notice patterns and 'trends' in your conversations

And learn how to USE this knowledge to your advantage


Learn what type of texts put women on 'autopilot' or 'zombie mode'

And instead learn to send texts that engage a woman's emotions


Learn how to spot 'opportunities' to take advantage of in your conversations

These are key moments to take the lead and raise your 'status' in her eyes

L8 - Building Mystery

Learn to build mystery into your dates with strategic texting

This is crucial for a woman to want to show up and not flake out or bail on your date


Learn how to read a woman's interest level through texting

So you ask her on a date at the RIGHT time, not too soon or too late

L10 - Your Busy Image

Learn how to position yourself as a
'high status' and busy man

So a woman will respect your time and will respond to your messages quickly


Learn how to lead a conversation into setting up a great date

Women are turned on by decision men, and you'll learn how to show that


Learn how to come off as a confident man that other women want

Having this mindset makes women truly desire trying to 'win you over'

You are getting a step-by-step system for building attraction with women with every text you send...

And the best part is you get to SEE this system IN ACTION with 20+ REAL text conversation breakdowns showing you exactly how you can re-create the success in your own conversations

"All your text examples are so helpful to get on track"

"Part of my problem with texting had always been trying to hold their attention in the conversations long enough to get a woman to meet up with me. Adam literally walks you through the EXACT words, timing, tone, mentality, and flow that your conversations should look like!

All of the different text message examples you show throughout the program make it

so much easier because it gives me a guidepost of what to shoot for and saves me

so much time trying to figure this all out on my own."

- Trevor Siefken


(Available through March 2025)


Bonus #1:

Full Texting eBook Downloads

Inside Texting School you will get access to both of my full texting ebooks: Repair Your Texting and The 5 Principles of Texting Women. You also get access to the audiobook versions to listen to on the go.

These ebooks are designed to help you stop getting 'ghosted' and start creating engaging text conversations with women.

$94 value - included free for limited time


Bonus #2:

Real Text Conversation Coaching Breakdowns

Get your hands on 5 real text conversation breakdowns where I analyze the strengths and weaknesses of everyday men's text conversations. We already know that there are things you WANT to say to women... but sometimes you just don't know how to say them... or maybe what you say simply falls flat. In these breakdowns you will get to learn my feedback on what guys are doing WRONG and RIGHT in their conversations so you can learn from THEIR mistakes.

$329 value - included free for limited time


Bonus #3:
Secrets to Starting Smooth in Your Text Conversations

Ever tried Dating Apps and wondered if they ACTUALLY work? The great thing about Texting School is you will learn a whole new way of messaging women - that will drastically increase your dating app success. However there are some small differences when it comes to dating apps, and I am giving you 5 full real text conversation breakdown videos where I show you from MATCH on dating app and the entire conversation on how I smoothly transitioned to getting a woman to text me. This is a crucial stage to master when using dating apps in today's digital date age.

$295 value - included free for limited time


Bonus #4:
3 Reasons Why Women Flake on Dates Masterclass

Get the psychology behind WHY women flake and what triggers their desire to 'ghost' or stop responding to a man. Learn how to AVOID women flaking and how to make her eager and excited to see you. Plus you'll see over 10 REAL text message examples showing you what TO DO and what NOT TO DO to help you effortlessly keep women engaged in your conversations.
$247 value - included free for limited time


Bonus #5:

A Perfect Date Recipe -
My Famous $10 Bill Date

The harsh truth is every woman has objections about going on a first date with you (they have gone on too many terrible dates in the past). And if you don't ever learn how to dismantle these objections, how will you ever meet someone in todays digital age? Have no fear, I am revealing for the first time ever my secret '$10 bill date' idea. This is a perfect recipe to give women a date experience they have NEVER done before... and it only costs you 10 bucks to pull off.
$177 value - included free for limited time


Bonus #6:
Setting the Perfect Date
Real Text Breakdowns

After going through Texting School you will have this whole new blueprint on the RIGHT WAY to ask women out through texting. This includes intentionally creating curiosity and intrigue from women. This bonus shows TONS of different texting conversations from my phone of me setting up this exact date so you can copy my lines and implement it with women in your life.
$397 value - included free for limited time



FOR JUST $397!

Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee



That Takes the Risk Off You

(and Puts it On Me!)

The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know giving your text game
a makeover will help improve results, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt.

Hesitation. Risk. I get it.


"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”

Well… that’s simple. Try it.

Guarantee #1 :

Test-Drive The Program for 30 Days

When you enroll, you’ll have 30 days to go through EVERYTHING inside the program,

and if for whatever reason… and I mean ANY reason…

if you don’t feel like this was the best investment you’ve made into turning your text messages
into an attraction-creating machine, simply email me personally at [email protected] and I will gladly refund your entire investment… no questions asked - Which means
YES You could totally rip me off here...

Guarantee #2 :

365 Days to GET RESULTS!

After you pass your initial 30 days of being blown away by what’s been really missing in your
'text game',

I’ll give you an additional 11 months to put these trainings into action.

If you do not see any positive results from this program, simply show me that you’ve done the work, and if it ain’t working... i’ll refund your investment

Why would I do this?

Because you shouldn’t have to pay for something that doesn’t work.
And I’m so convinced of how effective this is, I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. That’s how much I believe in this program.


What customers are saying

"Adam! You made texting women STUPID EASY"

"Prior to this, the idea of trying to text women felt like a huge project with so many thoughts and doubts going through my head. The way you explained and broke it all down into actionable and easily digestible steps made all the difference."
- Mike Lee

"All your text examples are so helpful to get on track"

"Part of my problem with texting had always been trying to hold their attention in the conversations long enough to get a woman to meet up with me. Adam literally walks you through the EXACT words, timing, tone, mentality, and flow that your conversations should look like! All of the different text message examples you show throughout the program make it so much easier because it gives me a guidepost of what to shoot for and saves me so much time trying to figure this all out on my own."
- Trevor Siefken

"Texting School is 🔥 AF!"

"Went through the entire course and started seeing all the ways I was blowing it. I had to reach out and tell ya I successfully set up 4 dates in 10 days after getting your program"
- Isaac P.

"Holy sh*t... it's already starting to work"

"I've invested a lot of money in myself and pick up. Who'd have thought that an investment in texting techniques would get such quick results... Eternally grateful"
- TJ Cooper

"Took a ton of stress and uncertainty out of texting"

"I discovered you through your blog link. I didn't realize you had so much great content on your blog. I got so inspired I realized I needed to get off the internet and do something with my life! Everything I learned in Texting School has taken a ton of stress and uncertainty out of messaging women. That advantage alone was worth it!"
- Erik Daruska

"Being mysterious is KEY!"

"I really had no clue how deep this rabbit hole went. I can just feel how much more engaged her responses are after I applied your 'mystery texts'"
- James R.


4.89/5 star reviews

Become the Man She Can't Stop Thinking About

Learn proven texting and messaging strategies to attract and date beautiful women confidently by mastering your messaging.

Here's what you get:

  • Texting School: Messaging Mastery Premium Video Course ($397 value)

  • The 5 Principles of Texting Women ebook
    ($47 value)

  • Repair Your Texting ebook + Mini-Course ($177 value)

  • Set the Perfect First Date Through Text System ($397 value)

  • Bonus: 3 Reasons Women Flake on Your Date Masterclass ($197 value)

  • Bonus: Level 13 Putting it ALL Together with Real Text Examples ($297 value)

  • Bonus: REAL text conversation coaching breakdowns ($229 value)

  • Instant download - access from all devices

  • Free course updates for life.

Total value: $1,741

Special price today for entire course + 6 Bonuses

... just

$397 one time payment


Meet Adam Jordan

A seasoned dating coach with over a decade of experience helping men unlock their potential in the dating world. His journey began from personal struggles, leading him to develop effective communication techniques that transformed his dating life.

He realized that many men struggle with understanding how to communicate with women via text and messaging. Determined to bridge this gap, he created this course to share the secrets that changed his life.

Students have transformed their dating lives, gaining confidence and success in meeting and attracting beautiful women. The course is praised for its practical advice, no fluff approach, and transformative impact.

  • Helped over 3,000+ men improve their dating lives.

  • Featured in top men's lifestyle magazines.

  • Hosted seminars on texting, dating and communication to over 35 countries

  • Author of a bestselling book on dating strategies.

  • Developed a highly rated dating coaching program.


Frequently Asked Questions

What makes students who have taken this course, and the testimonials I have seen, so successful?

I set out to create a step-by-step system that will help you cause a BREAKTHROUGH in the responses and engagement you get from women. I don’t just tell you what to do, I SHOW you with REAL text conversations straight from my phone. Just like a new Lego© set provides you with a step-by-step instruction manual for each of its models, you’ll get the same. So you’re going to get the experience of seeing the EXACT texts I send and how different women respond.  Now you can LEARN and APPLY the strategies and see them work in action.

If I’m just getting started and don’t have a woman's phone number yet, is this course good for me?

YES - Abso-freaking-lutley. Failure to plan is just planning to fail. You will never know the day, month, or year where that woman that really rocks your socks will come into your life. Wouldn't it feel a lot better knowing you have a PLAN for when that day comes? Otherwise you will probably panic and make the critical mistakes when it matters most.

I’m not the best at flirting, will this course help me write more engaging texts?

Great question - the short answer is YEP. Remember, this entire course I will be teaching you methods that are designed to ATTRACT women.  This means the more you learn the better you will understand how exactly to engage a woman through text conversation. On top of that, I will be showing you so many different REAL text examples that you can literally steal my exact lines - but the most important thing is that I will be teaching you the MINDSET on why this works so that you can naturally internalize it and become a more engaging person overall.

How much time will it take to complete this course?

That’s ultimately up to you. But if you spend just 6 days, going through just 2 LEVELS per day, you will walk away with a completely transformational mindset and game plan in less than a week! However - these teachings have taken me over 13 years (and thousands of text conversations with women) to Master. Meaning you can jump right in and see instant results, but this is so in-depth that the more you immerse yourself in these teachings the better and better you can and WILL get with women. It’s designed to take you level by level through the 12 skills of texting so you can take the hassle and stress out of every stage of the texting and dating process.

My texting convos haven't gone anywhere for me in the past, will this course help?

You better believe it - And I know because I followed this EXACT process you’re about to get with women of all different types, of all different ages, of all different cultural backgrounds with incredible success...And more importantly I have taught thousands of men throughout the world this exact process and they are seeing the same great results

What can I expect when I enroll in Texting School?

Upon completing your purchase, you will receive an email immediately with a button to log-in.
(Or instructions to create your log-in if this is your first purchase from the website).
Your purchase includes INSTANT access to the entire video course, ebooks, and downloads with lifetime updates to all content inside.

If I don’t like the course, can I get a refund?

I have a 30-day no-risk, money-back guarantee. Try the program in its entirety and if you do not like your results at the end of the 30 days, I will give you a full refund of your purchase. Please contact me personally at [email protected]

But wait... There’s more! After you pass your initial 30 days of being blown away by what’s been really missing in your Texting conversations, I’ll give you an additional 11 months to put the training into action. If you do not see any positive results from this training, simply let me know and i’ll refund your investment.

Why would I do this?  Because you shouldn’t have to pay for something that doesn’t work! I was a public school teacher for 5 years - I even have a Master's Degree in teaching.  That means I EXPECT that you will learn and get results - or I do not want a penny from you. And when you are so convinced of how effective something is, you can put your money where your mouth is! That’s how much I believe in this full training.

H​ow long do I have to access this course?

You will have lifetime access. All you have to do is log in to your member portal at and Texting School will be there. Including FREE lifetime access to ebook revisions and updates in the future.

Ready to turn phone numbers into dates?

I'm here to share ALL the knowledges i've learned about women

Get 6 Added Bonuses FREE NOW
with Texting School purchase
(March 10th, 2025 at midnight PST)

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