Player's University

Helping Men All Around the World Confidently Meet, Attract, and Seduce Beautiful Women

Here's what you get:

  • 24/7 Coaching Community Access for Advice ($795 value)

  • Full Access to ALL Premium Dating Courses ($2,465 value)

  • Monthly Live Video Coaching Q and A with Czar and Adam ($700 value)

  • Just 1-Payment for LIFETIME ACCESS

Total package value: $3,960

Players University price: $1,297

March Madness Sale...

Just $827 for Lifetime Access

Need a payment plan?

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The Top Coaching Community for Men with two expert dating coaches...

Adam from TextingPrince and Czar from CzarDating

Payment Plan Available

Get Lifetime Access for $97

(10 monthly payments)


Player's University

Helping Men All Around the World Confidently Meet, Attract, and Seduce Beautiful Women

Here's what you get:

  • 24/7 Coaching Community Access for Advice ($795 value)

  • Full Access to ALL Premium Dating Courses ($2,465 value)

  • Monthly Live Video Coaching with Czar and Adam ($700 value)

  • Just 1-Payment for LIFETIME ACCESS

Total package value: $3,960

Players University Price: $1,297

March Madness Special Sale...
Just $827 for Lifetime Access

Need a payment plan?

👇🏻 Scroll down 👇🏻

The Top Coaching Community for Men

with two expert dating coaches...

Adam from TextingPrince and Czar from CzarDating

Payment Plan Available

Get Lifetime Access for $97

(10 monthly payments)

ready for a complete dating transformation?

3 Easy Steps to Get Started

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Simply click the red 'Get Instant Access' button and checkout securely today

Log-in and Learn

Ask ANY questions in our 24/7 dating community + access PREMIUM dating courses included for FREE

Get the Girl

Live a more confident dating life and start meeting, attracting, and dating beautiful women everywhere you go


All courses/programs are included in this lifetime membership.

Players University: CORE Content

Get 12-weeks of top notch dating and attraction content to help you meet more beautiful women and keep her attracted to you long-term. This is the CORE place to start - Adam and Czar together take you through the 12 CORE skills you need to know to play the GAME of dating and WIN with women

$597 Price

Texting School: Messaging Mastery

This video program is PACKED with advanced texting strategies using attraction principles and psychology to MASTER the art of texting women.
Turn your cellphone into a deadly weapon of seduction where you can CREATE attraction with just your fingertips.

$397 Price

Swipe Right: Dominate Dating Apps

This step-by-step course teaches you the art of meeting women on dating apps. Learn how to select your BEST photos, write an interesting bio
(with a 'hook' or 'challenge' in it)

and learn the top strategies on how to 'open' and message women on dating apps

$297 Price

Attraction: The Beautiful Language of Women

This comprehensive ebook breaks down all the keys to becoming the man all women desire... learn attraction turn ONs and turn OFFs, how to come off as 'cocky/funny', and how to maintain an attractive image in a woman's eyes.

$98 Price

30 Czar Laws of Attraction

This video course offers 30 expertly crafted laws of dating, each with a professionally produced video that explains the law in depth. From improving your communication skills to building your self-confidence, this course offers practical advice to help you succeed in the dating world.

$198 Price

First Date Mastery: Build Comfort and Attraction

This video program walks you through the steps for having a great first date with a woman. From the moment you show up, to how to end the date confidently, this is designed to help you build comfort and attraction quickly with women.

$197 Price

12-Week Masculine Workout Program

Unleash your Alpha potential with Czar Danya's 12-Week Workout Program.
How would you like to build a body women adore and other men respect?You will learn to achieve the perfect Shoulder-to-Waist Ratio so you can command attention from women wherever you go. And gain the confidence to approach any woman.

$62 Price

Relationships: The Alpha Way

This comprehensive ebook breaks down all the keys to relationships, where you become the prize in your woman's eyes. Learn how to 'pass her tests' and stay masculine and confident in all sorts of relationship scenarios. If you want to learn how to sustain a long, healthy relationship with a woman that adores you as her man, this is the ebook for you!

$98 Price

Masterful Seduction: Create Longterm Devotion from Women

This video course is ADVANCED and the ultimate 'roadmap' for what is possible and HOW to actually create Masterful Seduction. Where you have a woman completely hooked on you, knowing she is totally 100% committed and devoted to you and only you. Learn the 3 'stages' of seduction you must master, and how to succeed in all 3 stages.

$397 Price

The 5 Principles of Texting Women

This ebook is the quickest way to improve your texting conversations with women. You can read this 58 page ebook in an evening, and it breaks down the 5 most important 'principles' of messaging to build your attraction and get more dates with women.

$47 Price

Match to Phone Number: REAL Text Breakdowns

This course takes you through 10 different dating app conversations from MATCH all the way to getting her to text me. See exactly what I said, see exactly how she responded, and get expert analysis on WHY each line was said and WHY each line worked so you can do the same in your conversations.

$197 Price

Flirting with Astrology

You don't have to care about astrology to know that women EAT IT UP. This ebook + strategy video help you learn an opener you can use on dating apps, dates, or at social gatherings to create a 'flirting' situation with a complete breakdown on how to 'cold read' a woman based just on her Zodiac sign

$77 Price

You get to Access EVERYTHING

($3,960+ Value)

and exclusive perks with a Players University
Lifetime Membership purchase!

Including MORE courses/programs coming in the future and added STRAIGHT into your account

PLUS 24/7 Community Coaching App Access, Monthly Live Coaching Call, and More

And for the March Madness Sale...

You can get it ALL for just $827

Ready to Transform??

Inner confidence

texting strategy

approaching women

understanding attraction

dating app profile tips

health/fitness advice

mental mindset training

successful dates

longterm attraction

What members are saying:

"My dating life has never been better!"

"Danya and Adam - thank you for waking me up to the truths needed to become a master at the art of seduction and self development. You unlocked my highest potential. My dating life has never been better! Thank you for bringing me back to life. You resurrected my confidence. I already have 2 women chasing me with a month of joining!."
-Charles M.

"Spttin game on FB marketplace 🤣"

"Was looking for a snowsuit for my kid and found this one 30 mins from my house and I noticed she was fine AF. She gave me a pile of clothes for $80 and I gave her my business card with my personal # and now she's just blowing up my phone. And I'd be willing to say it's all because of this community!"
- Morgan S.

"I joined this group because I was struggling"

"I fell for a girl who I thought was the one but of course it didn't workout and she ghosted me. I was under the bs Disney spell. Best believe I turned that PAIN into PURPOSE. I doubled down on my self this whole year, hitting the gym, financial gain, joining this group leveling up my game! Going out and making friends from absolutely zero knowing no one. I didn't have any social life at all since 18. Now i'm going out regularly. I can't describe how I feel, I'm only 24 but i'm not stopping. Just wait until I hit player status!"
- Lenny E.

"I'm truly thankful 👏🏼"

"It's men like you guys that truly hold me accountable for consistently holding me to a high level of high quality standards of masculinity and i'm truly sincerely genuinely thankful for that"
-Malachi R.

what you'll find inside

Coaching + Premium Content + Community

Learn the ins-and-outs of understanding exactly how to attract women - including psychology, communication, and seduction techniques

Are you ever nervous or anxious on your dates? We have tips for every area of dating... from the first date to your bedroom ;)

Get Step-by-Step Trainings on how to go from phone number to DATE by learning advanced messaging skills for dating in today's digital age

We help you get in touch and rediscover your masculine instinct and inner confidence that SHINES through in your interaction with women

$3,960+ VALUE




Lifetime Membership


One Upfront Payment

  • Lifetime Access to ALL Content

  • Billed ONE time only

  • Stream all 200+ Premium Videos

  • Access FUTURE Videos

  • Community Access for LIFE
    ($795 value)

  • The Full Armor of Game 12-Week Attraction Course ($597 value)

  • Principles of Texting ebook
    ($47 value)

  • Attraction: The Beautiful Language of Women ebook ($98 value)

  • Relationships: The Alpha Way ebook ($98 value)

  • Flirting with Astrology ebook + strategy video ($77 value)

  • Texting School: Messaging Mastery video course ($397 value)

  • First Date Mastery video course ($197 value)

  • Swipe Right: Dominate Dating Apps course ($297 value)

  • Masterful Seduction: Get Complete Devotion from Women ($397 value)

  • 30 Czar Laws of Dating video course ($198 value)

  • Czar's 12-Week Masculine Workout Program ($62 value)

  • Personal Coaching Discounts
    (50% off all 1-on-1 coaching)

  • Monthly Live Coaching Q and A with Czar and Adam ($700 value)

  • So much MORE!

$3,960+ VALUE




Lifetime Membership


One Upfront Payment

  • Lifetime Access to ALL Content

  • Billed ONE time only

  • Stream all 200+ Premium Videos

  • Access FUTURE Videos

  • Community Access for LIFE
    ($595 value)

  • The Full Armor of Game 12-Week Attraction Course ($597 value)

  • Principles of Texting ebook
    ($47 value)

  • Attraction: The Beautiful Language of Women ebook ($98 value)

  • Relationships: The Alpha Way ebook ($98 value)

  • Flirting with Astrology ebook + strategy video ($77 value)

  • Texting School: Messaging Mastery video course ($397 value)

  • First Date Mastery video course ($197 value)

  • Swipe Right: Dominate Dating Apps course ($297 value)

  • Masterful Seduction: Get Complete Devotion from Women ($397 value)

  • 30 Czar Laws of Dating video course ($198 value)

  • Czar's 12-Week Masculine Workout Program ($62 value)

  • Personal Coaching Discounts
    (50% off all 1-on-1 coaching)

  • Monthly Live Coaching Q and A with Czar and Adam ($700 value)

  • So much MORE!

Meet Your Coaches

Get 24/7 Coaching Help with Czar and Adam...

Co-Hosts of The Full Armor of Game Podcast for Men

Czar Danya
Founder of CzarDating
Co-Host Full Armor of Game Podcast for Men

Czar has been practicing 'game' for over 15 years.
He spent years learning the art of attraction and the
psychology of male-female connection.

This has now become his life’s work to help you become
the man all women adore and all men respect.
He specializes in being bold and assertive with women and
teaching men how to unlock their inner masculinity.

Dating Coach and Co-Host

Adam Jordan
Founder of TextingPrince
Co-Host Full Armor of Game Podcast for Men

Adam has been practicing 'game' for over 17 years.

A former certified school teacher with a background in pick-up has been
using his expertise to help teach thousands of men over the past 8 years
how to confidently meet, attract, and date beautiful women.

He specializes in the 'stealth bomber' Sigma male approach with
dating apps, text messaging, and how to strategically
GROW your attraction with women consistently over time.

Dating Coach and Co-Host

Czar and Adam are BOTH here to help guide you
and make sure you WIN with Women

Czar and Adam are BOTH here to help guide you
and make sure you WIN with Women



Frequently Asked Questions

We are committed to helping you on your exciting journey of self-transformation

Q1: I've taken dating programs in the past, how is Player's University different?

Great question.  There are 2 big main differences. Difference #1 is... To be honest, most dating coaches probably mean well, but they don't have the knowledge or tools on how to EDUCATE other men on how to create this success in their own lives. I (Adam Jordan) was a classroom teacher for 6 years, including getting a Masters Degree in how to design Curriculum and Instruction. That's fancy talk for learning how to take the knowledge that I know, and TRANSFER that knowledge to you. You are getting specifically designed education from a professionally certified teacher so you are in good hands. Difference #2 is Players University has TWO specialized dating coaches, both myself Adam and Czar Danya from CzarDating. We have different skill sets and styles, so you get TWO specialized dating coaches here to give you different perspectives in whatever 'style' best matches you.

Q2: If I’m just getting started and don’t know how to meet women, will this help me?

Yes - Abso-fu**ing-lutley - This Players University is designed to be your ONE-STOP solution.  I'd recommend you start by watching our Players University 12-Week Core Content program (included inside) which will give you all the building blocks of how to meet women either through social events, dating apps, or learning the RIGHT way to confidently approach women. After that, dive into any of our specialized courses and programs to fit your situation and BOOM - you'll have multiple ways to meet beautiful women. And then of course we have courses and programs to help you specifically ATTRACT her in all different forms of communication (dating apps, texting, first dates, approaching women, etc).

Q3: I really want a committed girlfriend, will I learn how to attract a woman for the long-term?

100%.  Most men don't want to be lifelong 'players' - they want to meet a good woman and keep her HEAD OVER HEELS attracted to him. This Univeristy shows you how to get more dates than you could have ever imagined, but more importantly, how to KEEP a woman that you are excited and interested in attracted to you for the long-haul.  Czar Danya wrote an entire premium ebook on Relationships : The Alpha Way. Adam from TextingPrince created an entire advanced video course on how to get Masterful Seduction: Get Complete Devotion and Longterm Attraction from Women. Both of these programs are designed to help you build attraction for LONG TERM success in relationships.

Q4: Do I have to completely change my personality to be successful with women?

The short answer is NO.  Think of the Players University as your place to fine-tune what you are already doing to get a lot more success in your dating life and relationships. We will educate you on exactly what DOES work and DOES NOT work with women, but we don't want to create another TextingPrince or Czar Danya clone - we want you to be YOU. The difference is you will be taking your authentic personality and learning to craft it in a way that becomes magnetic and attractive to women in your life. The only reasons 'jerks' and 'douchebags' of the world are successful with women, is they understand what women respond to. We are here to even the playing field and give you keys to unlock a woman's desires, while being able to remain a good dude at heart.  

Q5: What makes students who have joined, and the testimonials I have seen, so successful?

We set out to create a step-by-step system that will help you cause a BREAKTHROUGH in your dating life and relationships. We don’t just tell you what to do, we SHOW you. You'll see example after example of REAL text message conversations with REAL women showing you exactly what I said and how she responded.  Along with the complete framework on how you can do the same thing in your dating life.  Just like a Lego© product provides you with a step-by-step instruction manual for each of its models, you’ll get the same. So you’re going to get the experience of producing real results for yourself.

Q6: I am successful with women already, is there anything advanced this program can teach me?

The funny thing is - we originally created this Players University with only the most ADVANCED tips, techniques, and strategies.  This was first created to take experienced men to a whole new level they didn't think was possible. My suggestion for you if you consider yourself really advanced is dig into the Advanced Courses and Programs (included inside). You will learn all sorts of advanced tips and strategies - including using advanced psychology like Vision, Shaping, Compliance, and Anchoring to get women HOOKED on you.  And we even go over the 'dirty secrets' of how to sexually turn women on in person and keep her screaming your name in the bedroom.  Long story short, YES, there is plenty for you.  And i'm looking forward to you joining so that you can multiply your already good results with women to EXTRAORDINARY.  

Q7: How much time will it take to complete this course?

That’s ultimately up to you.  All our courses and programs are immediately UNLOCKED when you join, and you can go as FAST or as a SLOW as you want through the courses. We also have 24/7 access to our Coaching Community where you can ask as many questions as you want... or simply be a 'lurker' inside and soak up all the questions and answers other members are asking. The important point is that as men, when we KNOW better, we DO better.
Players University will give you all of the knowledge of knowing WHAT to do, so you will start to see immediate improvements in your interactions with women with every new piece of advice and strategies you try out.

Q8: Will this be too much work for me to handle?

Here is the beautiful thing... every little tip and strategy that you learn inside Players University is a seed that is planted. The LESS mistakes you make, the BETTER your next interaction with a woman will be. The MORE you learn, the EASIER it gets. It is like a snowball of success.  You'll find that most men are making SO MANY mistakes with women, that it can feel like a lot to learn. However, every piece of content in here is helping lead you to more and more success. And when you KNOW better, you DO better.  You'll get addicted to how much better the woman in your life are responding to you, it will not feel like 'work' at all. I see thousands of men making the same type of mistakes over and over again, that make dating and relationships WAY HARDER than it needs to be. That is why we have put together this community with ACTIONABLE steps. All the full courses and programs inside Players University are designed to give you a solid foundation that you can continuously build off of.  But the truthful answer is that you are going to get in what you put out.  The more you watch and ask questions, the more it will ALL make sense to you. Wouldn't it be nice to take the worry and anxiety out of dating and relationships? Then join right up.  This is for you.  

Q9: What can I expect when I enroll in Player's University?

Upon completing your enrollment, you will receive an email immediately.  Your purchase includes INSTANT access with lifetime updates to all of the material inside Players University. There is also a 'community' section included so that every single piece of content that you consume, you can immediately ask any questions you are wondering about, and I (Adam Jordan) or Czar Danya will go in and interact with you until you have the answer(s) you are looking for. There is also NO WAIT TIME - every single piece of content inside is ready for you the moment you join.  

Q10: H​ow long do I have to access this course?

Every member who joins has LIFETIME ACCESS to this continually growing community and digital library of top-notch dating and attraction content. All you have to do is log in to your member portal at and Players University will be there!

Payment Plan Available

Get Lifetime Access for $97

(10 monthly payments)